Performance Management System Selection Simplified: Your 4-Step Checklist

05 Oct, 2022 |


In a survey that Deloitte conducted, more than half of the respondents (58%) believe that their current performance management approach drives neither employee engagement nor high performance. 

In addition, one organization spent about 2 million hours each year on performance management—and discovered that filling out paperwork, conducting meetings, and establishing ratings were all time-consuming.

An effective performance management system increases productivity, employee engagement and retention, creativity, and company culture, and, most importantly, saves you 2 million hours per year that can be used to make critical business decisions for the company's proliferation.

A performance management system should serve as a guide for aligning company objectives with individual goals while also supporting and motivating employees. 

How do you find an efficient performance management system for your organization?

Are you overwhelmed with what to look for in HR performance management software, which features to prioritize, and how to get the greatest value for money? HONO got you covered. For every problem outlined below, HONO has a potential solution.

Note down the current challenges faced with the existing process

Take note of the difficulties you're having to deal with in terms of reviewing and managing your employees. Does it really take too long for reviews? Do supervisors find it challenging to provide employees with clear objectives? Is there a lot of documentation to fill out on your end? Create a list of your areas for improvement and ask questions about how a performance management system may help you strengthen them.

If your organization already uses a performance management system, it may not be optimal. How well does your existing HR management system work with other solutions? How flexible and user-friendly is the system?

How useful is the information gathered? Are employees interested in participating, or do they view it as yet another chore to put off?

Determine your goals

The question is why you need a performance management system in the first place. Finding the process's advantages and disadvantages isn't enough. Please take what you've learned and use it as motivation to design a new, improved system with quantifiable outcomes.

The ideal HR management system is adaptable, comprehensive, and, most importantly, straightforward. By automating routine administrative chores like scheduling and communication, HR and management are free to focus on what really matters: employee engagement and growth. On the back end, a high-quality performance management system offers management more in-depth data for boosting employee and team output.

Make a checklist of the top 5 priority features 

First and foremost, your system's adaptability and integration will increase its overall usefulness to your business. Integrating your HR software (for things like hiring and onboarding, payroll, and time and attendance) into a single HCM platform streamlines processes and yields more accurate results. 

The structure of your organization and the nature of the process as a whole will determine the specific characteristics your system needs. 

Here are some of the benefits of integrated talent management software.

  • Your process can be more welcoming to newcomers and adaptable to shifts in the environment with the support of flexible review creation, assignment, and scoring. 
  • To demonstrate development and assess pay increases, promotions, and other internal personnel choices, it is also important to have quick access to performance evaluation history. 
  • Finally, using the information to create useful improvement plans can boost productivity and employee participation in the process. 

If you can modify these aspects to meet your requirements, the system can be molded around your workflow rather than the other way around. 

List down the desired business goals

Identifying long-term corporate objectives is essential before committing resources to a performance management system. The success of the performance management system depends on what you hope to achieve with it. Does it facilitate the cooperative performance evaluation of employees? Is the hiring software congruent with the long-term aims of your company? 

An effective HR analytics software will enable employees' goals to be linked to the company's goals and priorities and will provide ongoing, unbiased feedback to employees based on their performance. When employees are given timely and actionable feedback on their performance, they can achieve the desired goals due to the system's goal alignment and flexibility.

Choosing the right solution

By digitizing your performance appraisal processes, good HR performance management software should make life easier for both employees and their immediate managers. But the software you choose should be flexible enough to meet your requirements, rather than the other way around. This is why generic performance management tools rarely outperform a custom-built solution designed for your business. Don't let unimportant features divert your attention; instead, concentrate on those that are truly important to you.

If you need a dedicated performance management system that complements your ability to execute strategic goals through data-driven staffing decisions, let HONO CONTINUUM help. 

With HONO CONTINUUM PMS, organizations can carry out corrective programs for employees whenever the system indicates it is essential, build workflows and targets, monitor key performance indicators and key results areas, set compensation budgets, and more.

Why wait anymore? Reach out to us, and we’ll schedule a demo at your convenience!


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